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  • Sizes of Calligraphy Paper

    Calligraphy Paper, Discussion about Tools

    When you think of calligraphy paper, what comes to mind? In fact, there are numerous types and names for calligraphy paper sizes. They are already pre-cut to standard dimensions, so you can choose a paper size that suits your purpose. While the variety might seem confusing, it’s not difficult to select one based on your goals and intended use. We will now provide a clear introduction to calligraphy paper sizes.

    The basic size of calligraphy paper is “Yonshaku Gasen.”

    The most fundamental size in calligraphy paper is “Yonshaku Gasen” (四尺画仙), which has dimensions of approximately 69 × 136 cm. It is also known by other names such as “Zenshi” (全紙), “Shōgasen” (小画仙), and “Yonshaku Mono” (四尺物). Using “Yonshaku Gasen” as the base, it is often cut vertically in half to create the “Hansetsu” (半切) or “Jōfuku” (条幅) size. For works submitted to open exhibitions and contests, there are designated sizes according to each event’s rules. Please be aware that the specified size for these exhibitions refers to the dimensions when framed, so keep this in mind.

    At Shoyu Online, you can choose from various special-sized paper options.

    Representative Paper Sizes

    I have summarized the representative paper sizes and their names in a table from largest to smallest. Please refer to the diagram below for reference.

    No. size Pronunciation cm(width×height) Different Names
    1 2×8尺 2×8 Shaku Approximately60×240cm 2×8(Nihachi)
    2 尺八屏 Shaku happei Approximately53×234cm Chinese Standard Size
          Approximately53×228cm Japanese Standard Size
    3 六尺画仙 Rokushaku gasen Approximately96×180cm 大画仙(Daigasen)
    4 3×6尺 3×6 Shaku Approximately90×180cm 三六(Saburoku)
    5 2×6尺 2×6 Shaku Approximately60×180cm 二六(Niroku)
    6 五尺画仙 Goshaku gasen Approximately84×150cm 中画仙
    7 四尺画仙 Yonshaku gasen Approximately69×136cm 全紙(Zenshi)・小画仙(Shougasen)・四尺物(Yonshakumono)
    8 聯落ち Renochi Approximately53×136cm
    9 半切 Hansetu Approximately34.5×136cm
    10 八つ切 Yatugiri Approximately17.5×68cm
    11 全懐紙 Zenkaishi Approximately36.5×48.5cm
    12 半懐紙 Hankaishi Approximately24.5×36.5cm
    13 半紙 Hanshi Approximately24.3×33.4cm

    Common Paper Sizes and Names

    “Yonshaku Gasen” (四尺画仙)

    Dimensions: Approximately 69 × 136 cm. It is also known by other names such as “Zenshi” (全紙), “Shōgasen” (小画仙), and “Yonshaku Mono” (四尺物).

    “Hansetsu” (半切)

    Dimensions: 34.5 × 136 cm. Hansetsu is created by vertically cutting “Yonshaku Gasen” (Zenshi) in half. Traditionally, it has been the most commonly used size.

    “Renochi” (聯落ち)

    Dimensions: 53 × 136 cm. It is a size obtained by cutting “Zenshi” into 3/4 of its original width. For a paper size of 53 × 228 cm, often used in open exhibitions and sometimes referred to as “Renochi,” it’s important to note that the term “Renochi” has come to refer more to the “width of the paper” due to decreased use of the traditional “true Renochi.” In this context, “Renochi” is roughly equivalent to “53 cm width,” and it’s essential to confirm the length.

    “Shaku happei” (尺八屏)

    This is a Chinese standard size with dimensions of approximately 53 × 234 cm. The Japanese standard size is approximately 53 × 228 cm. There is a difference of about 6 cm in length between the two standards, but both are widely used for open exhibitions.

    “Ni-Hachi” (2×8)

    “Ni-Hachi” typically refers to the frame size used in open exhibitions, which is 2 shaku × 8 shaku, approximately 61 × 242 cm. It’s important to note that the size of open exhibitions refers to the dimensions when framed. If you intend to display your work with a mat showing and use the “Ni-Hachi” frame size, choose a slightly smaller 53 × 228 cm (1.75 shaku × 7.5 shaku) paper. If you plan to fill the frame entirely with your artwork without showing the mat, select a 60 × 240 cm paper.

    “Ni-Roku” (2×6)

    “Ni-Roku” refers to the frame size used in open exhibitions, which is 2 shaku × 6 shaku, approximately 60 × 180 cm. Similar to “Ni-Hachi,” “Ni-Roku” refers to the frame size for open exhibitions. If you intend to display your work with a mat showing and use the “Ni-Roku” frame size, choose a slightly smaller 53 × 170 cm (1.75 shaku × 5.5 shaku) paper. If you plan to fill the frame entirely with your artwork without showing the mat, select a 60 × 180 cm paper.

    You can purchase paper available at Shogu Online here>>


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